Radical Roots is community building project  using food and storytelling as sources for radical care. 

Radical Roots is a clay pot full of molecular memories and living experiences that produces warmth even if heated by a sterile electric stove. Radical Roots proposes wonderers, migrants, travelers, and better life seekers to gather around a portable cooking table, honoring that we all carry wisdom, we can all teach each other, and we can always learn from each other's memories and paths. Radical Roots is a space to remember and create new memories through smell, taste, sound, touch, and sight. As migrants, we want to create spaces of belonging for other migrants who have left their countries due to injustice. As migrants, we want to develop transformative justice spaces for rest, creativity, and “radical tenderness.” “We all deserve it!”

Our goal is to share the pleasure and medicine of food and the choreographies of cooking. We work to be together and take risks in communication. Radical Roots is a project for radical care / care from the roots of the rootless. We put our creative energy into building connections with each other in spaces, conditions, and times when being disconnected may seem more accessible.

Radical Root’s first edition took place in the Asylum seeker center (AZC) Amsterdam during the summer of 2022 and aims to continue working there and in other (AZCs). We stand with their struggle for asylum-seeking and claim for a world where violent borders, as we know them, may be abolished.

Radical Roots Project

Designed and co-produced by Lina Bravo Mora http://linabravomora.com

Co-production and sound work by Mayis Rukel https://www.mayisrukel.com

Commissioned and supported by Stichting de Vrolijkheid: https://vrolijkheid.nl